The Southern Cross controls over 70 square miles of the finest trophy elk habitat in North America: a total of 47,309 acres of which 33,514 are deeded. On this trophy property in western New Mexico, geography, genetics, and habitat combine to create an ecosystem that produces some of the largest bull elk anywhere. The Southern Cross is renowned for amazing numbers of 350- to 400-class bulls.
The Southern Cross has been superbly managed to maintain its status as one of America’s premier hunting destinations. A spectacular 6,000-square-foot log lodge is the centerpiece of the ranch. With six bedrooms, five and one half baths, and wraparound deck, the lodge treats guests luxuriously. A caretaker’s house, corrals, barn and meat cooler completes the outstanding facilities on the ranch. Southern Cross Ranch was recently allotted 49 bull elk tags and 14 cow elk tags.
Straddling both sides of the Continental Divide, the Southern Cross ranges in elevation from 7,300 to 8,200 feet, which makes it ideally situated for supporting thousands of acres of pinion pine and alligator juniper forest, interspersed with grassy meadows. Parts of the eastern portion of the ranch adjoin the Cibola National Forest. Much of the ranch’s terrain is rolling, and a good network of ranch roads provides vehicular access throughout. With wildlife and livestock management in mind, dozens of water sources have been developed throughout the ranch, utilizing both wind and solar power.
The Southern Cross is best known for its elk hunting, but its superb mule deer and antelope hunting are also available. As a combination cattle/hunting ranch or a hunting resort alone, the potential for this spectacular piece of western New Mexico may be unmatched anywhere in the United States. With excellent year-round access, the “land of giants” is located only 2.5 hours from Albuquerque and 3.5 hours from Santa Fe.
Dave Harrigan / Hunter Harrigan
(800) 524-1818
News Desk
- May 29, 2011
Views: 556
For Sale: New Mexico's Southern Cross Ranch
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