The nation’s leading landowners are buying more land! That’s one of the many conclusions to be drawn from the 2011 Land Report 100 now on newsstands.
Thanks to his acquisition of more than 1 million acres of timberland, Liberty Media chairman John Malone vaulted in the No. 1 spot, unseating his good friend and business partner Ted Turner. Malone readily admits that he got the “land-buying disease” after touring a Turner ranch. In addition to Malone and Turner, other high-profile landowners featured in the 2011 Land Report 100 include founder Jeff Bezos at No. 28, hedge fund manager Louis Bacon at No. 45, and the Hearst family at No. 63.
The cover story features Oklahoma’s Bob Funk, whose Express Ranches is recognized as one of the top seedstock producers in the cattle industry. Readers will journey with Funk to the UU Bar Ranch, a New Mexico landmark that straddles the historic Santa Fe Trail at the base of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains.
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- September 15, 2011
Views: 368
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