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Farmland Spikes

Farmland Spikes

Economists at the Kansas City Fed and bankers in the Tenth District report robust 4Q 2011 ag numbers.The Editors

“Farmland values soared higher, reaching all-time highs across much of the District in the fourth quarter.”
“Nonirrigated cropland values in the Tenth District jumped almost 9% during the last three months of 2011 and were 25% higher than year-ago levels.”
“This trend led ‘an increasing number of absentee landowners’ to put ‘their farms up for sale and attributed much of the auction activity to landowners seeking top-dollar prices.’”

Jason Henderson, Omaha Branch Executive
Maria Akers, Associate Economist

“With current price levels, many older landowners are cashing out.” – Eastern Nebraska banker
“Land prices and cash rents are highly dependent on irrigation capacity.” – Western Oklahoma banker
Source: Kansas City Fed’s Survey of Tenth District Agricultural Conditions
Click here to download a copy of the Spring 2012 issue of The Land Report.


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