News Desk

Wind Farm Advances Closer to Reality

America’s first offshore wind farm, the planned Cape Wind, now has a coastal Atlantic staging area big enough to handle construction of 130 massive turbines. Cape Wind Associates has signed a two-year $4.5 million lease with the State of Massachusetts for a terminal in New Bedford harbor. Starting in January, Cape Wind will use the harbor site to assemble materials that will then be ferried 30 miles to the 24-square-mile farm site in Nantucket Sound. Also, this May the Department of Energy awarded funds to three offshore wind farm demonstration projects planned for New Jersey, Oregon and Virginia.
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News Desk

New Mexico Passes Public Water and Landowner Protection Bill

The New Mexico state legislature reaffirmed the rights …

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IRS Scrutinizes Syndicated Conservation Easements

Syndicated conservation easements are costing the federal government …

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