News Desk, Ranchland, Resources

California's Eagle Ranch Donates 3,255-Acre Easement

A Central Coast ranching family has donated a significant conservation easement on the southern half of their property to The Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo County. The Smith family has owned the Eagle Ranch for more than 50 years.
Located south of Atascadero, inland from Morro Bay, and adjacent to Los Padres National Forest, this legacy property contains acre upon acre of oak woodlands, chaparral, and rangeland. In addition to the land itself, the easement protects key water features such as manmade Eagle Lake as well as numerous tributaries of the Salinas River, including Atascadero, Hale, Paloma, and Santa Margarita creeks. The conservation easement, which ranks as the largest in the organization’s history, also allows The Land Conservancy to host one docent-led hike on the ranch per year. Read more HERE.
Photo Credit: The San Luis Obispo Tribune



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