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The Magazine of the American Landowner is proud to present its annual Deals of the Year roundup. This year’s honorees include:
- The sale of Australia’s iconic S. Kidman & Co to Australian Outback Beef
- The Osage Nation’s acquisition of the Bluestem Ranch from Turner Enterprises
- Farmland Partners $55 million purchase of Wilder Farms at auction
- Hancock Timber Resource Group’s sale of 295,000 acres of Southern timberland
For up-to-the-minute reports on listings, auctions, sales, and breaking news pertaining to land and landowners, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, and Instagram.
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University of Arizona Receives Sedona Ranch
Future veterinary students at the University of Arizona will get hands-on experience at a working …
Land Report November 2011 Newsletter
Take a moment to scan the November edition of The Land Report newsletter. You’ll be …
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Tom Barrack Takes Control of Neverland
Earlier this month, AP reported a development that every real estate professional in Santa Barbara …
Elk Creek Ranch Acquires Seven Lakes
For those who are passionate about outdoor pursuits, the next great adventure can’t come soon enough.