News Desk, Timberland

2016 Timberland Deal of the Year

Almost 500 square miles of former TimberStar lands in Arkansas and Texas were purchased by Forest Investment Associates and Molpus Woodlands Group from the Hancock Timber Resource Group. The 295,000-acre sale to the timberland investment management organizations (TIMOs) was announced in December.
The properties were part of Hancock Timber Resource Group’s acquisition of 900,000 acres belonging to TimberStar Southwest and consist primarily of high-quality pine plantations. Since 2006, long-term supply contracts have been in place with industry leaders such as Georgia-Pacific, International Paper, and West Fraser for timber products off the subject lands.
Forest Investment Associates’ clients acquired approximately 146,500 acres in Arkansas and Texas. Molpus’ clients acquired 148,500 acres in the two states.
Each block of timberland will be separately managed by Forest Investment Associates and Molpus Woodlands Group.
In a statement, Molpus Executive Vice President Bob Lyle said, “We are excited about this opportunity to build on the property’s legacy of sound stewardship and are committed to providing sustainably managed timber that is so important to the region’s forest industry.”
Forest Investment Associates’ Charles VanOver added, “We believe these well-managed properties match our clients’ objectives of acquiring high-quality core timberland assets to provide stable, long-term returns and portfolio diversification.”
Perella Weinberg Partners LP served as exclusive financial advisor to Hancock Timber Resource Group in the transaction.

Land Report 2016 Timberland Deal of the Year: Forest Investment Associates and Molpus Woodlands Group Acquire 295,000 Acres from Hancock in Arkansas and Texas

Seller: Hancock Timber Resource Group, Brent Keefer, Managing Director & President
Buyers: Forest Investment Associates, L. Michael Kelly, President & Molpus Woodlands Group, Dick Molpus, President


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