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Landowners, Ranchland, Sporting Properties

2015 Land Report 100: Malone Mitchell 3rd


No. 22 Malone Mitchell 3rd

384,000 acres
In 2006, this West Texan sold his interest in Riata Energy to Chesapeake Energy cofounder Tom Ward for $500 million. Riata was renamed SandRidge, and the company then acquired Carl Icahn’s National Energy Group for $1.5 billion. Mitchell sold his remaining SandRidge shares in 2007. Mitchell’s 350,000-acre Longfellow Ranch near his hometown of Sanderson offers world-class elk and mule deer hunts.
Click here to download the Winter 2015 issue of The Land Report, featuring the 2015 Land Report 100 sponsored by Fay Ranches.


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