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The lessons of the global financial crisis of 2008-09 are many and diverse; one of the immutable ones is the value of tangible assets. I for one am taking this to heart, and your readership of this newsletter shows you to be of a similar mind.
I hope you are as encouraged by the June edition of The Land Report’s monthly newsletter as we are here at the Magazine. Despite stock market fluctuations, the European debt crisis, and tensions in the Middle East, there is a lot of good news to report: rising land values, increased investment in land-based assets, and of course noteworthy transactions.
Our award-winning quarterly magazine is available in a print version by subscription.
USDA Announces $32 Million Grant to Fund Restoration
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced a $32 million grant to improve water quality and restore …
Conservation Easement Protects Valuable Neches River Tract
A collaboration between the Texas A&M Forest Service and The Conservation Fund has preserved approximately …
Larry Ellison Gets Green Light on Lanai
Larry Ellison’s Lanai Resorts received the go-ahead for a new ultra-luxury hotel on the Hawaiian …
Elk Creek Ranch Acquires Seven Lakes
For those who are passionate about outdoor pursuits, the next great adventure can’t come soon enough.