Landmarks, News Desk

Sold! Maui's Hana Ranch

Land Report Top 10: Hana Ranch
Update October 2012
This summer, Bio-Logical Capital, a land investment, development, and conservation company, acquired Hana Ranch in East Maui for an undisclosed price.
Bio-Logical Capital plans to preserve the property as a working cattle ranch and has plans to expand organic farming on the land. According to senior vice president for Bio-Logical Capital Guy Kaulukukui, “It is at once a privilege and a great responsibility. Hana is one of the last, best places in Hawaii untouched by urbanization, rich in abundant natural and cultural resources, and with the potential to become a model for sustainable ranching and farming practices in the state.”
Hana Ranch has been on the market since September 2008. Daniel Omer of Island Sotheby’s International Realty represented the Hana Ranch Partners.
Read more HERE.
Situated in the tropical setting of eastern Maui, Hana Ranch is considered one of the most beautiful locations in the world.
Featuring two miles of Pacific oceanfront that rises over 2,200 feet up the slopes of Haleakala, this 4,500± acre working cattle ranch sits in one of the last places in Hawaii that remains untouched by the stresses of urbanization and over-development.
As a founding member of the Maui Cattle Company, which is known for its all-natural grass fed beef, the ranch’s cattle operation includes a cow herd of approximately 1,200 and produces 1,000 calves per year.
Hana Ranch is listed with Island Sotherby’s International Realty. For more information, contact Dan Omer at (808) 281-2100.
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