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Too many items to discuss in the June 2014 Newsletter. Among the high points?
- A major judicial decision that will impact landowners nationwide.
- Rising beef prices and increased crop yields continue to stoke land values.
- And a first look at the digital version of our Summer issue.
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The Land Report Winter 2018
Five new landowners. One returnee. More than 1 million additional acres. That’s 2,000 square miles. …
The American Landowner: Sarah King
Text by Lesli Allison | Photography by Sarah King, Heidi Crnkovic, and Ziemba Photographic Daily …
Land Report July 2015 Newsletter
Plenty of bold-faced headlines in our July newsletter, including the designation of three new national monuments …
Elk Creek Ranch Acquires Seven Lakes
For those who are passionate about outdoor pursuits, the next great adventure can’t come soon enough.